
Version 1.0.55

Released October 21st, 2024

  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for temperate planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for volcanic planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for desert planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for glacial planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for oceanic planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for mountainous planets.
  • Feature Added procedural planet generation for moons.
  • Feature Added planet day/night cycles.
  • Feature Added galaxy, quadrant, constellation, and star cluster maps.
  • Feature Added Citadel fast-travel feature.
  • Feature Corsair Lighting integration now supports iCUE v4.
  • Enhancement Improved performance of switching between a planet surface and an open galaxy map.
  • Enhancement Improved Settler Mission gameplay hinting.
  • Enhancement Player game servers now favor memory conservation over performance.
  • Fix It is no longer possible to jettison a starship communicator, torch, or axe.
  • Fix Player camera rotation is now locked during screen transitions.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused incorrect equipped items to be shown.


Version 1.0.55

Released June 28th, 2024

  • Enhancement Improved performance of player server NAT automation.
  • Enhancement Added material cache eviction for reduced memory consumption.
  • Fix Galaxy masks are now applied to all galaxy sizes.
  • Fix Added missing rounded block icons.
  • Fix The Designer may be opened while a dedicated server is playing.
  • Fix Light dismiss has been restored for planet exploration and galaxy map screens.
  • Fix The player sit action has been restored.
  • Fix Player servers no longer create SSL endpoints by default
  • Fix Removed Adobe Substance runtime, which was affecting startup performance.


Version 1.0.53

Released June 24th, 2024

  • Enhancement Added additional rounded block parts.
  • Enhancement Added half height stepped stairs.
  • Enhancement Added additional starship geometric decals.
  • Enhancement A loading indicator is now shown when joining a player server.
  • Fix The server list now respects public/private server settings.
  • Fix Improved error handling workflows if Steam is not running.
  • Fix Resolved screen transition (fade to black) behavior.
  • Fix Resolved issue relating to server-side network connection recycling.


Version 1.0.51

Released June 21st, 2024

  • Feature Gameplay now offers three distinct modes: Conquest, Survival, and Creative.
  • Feature Players can now host their own dedicated game servers.
  • Feature Single-player mode is fully supported.
  • Feature Galaxy characteristics, such as type, size, is now customizable.
  • Feature Player blueprints are now synchronized across all game servers.
  • Feature Added server lists for joining other games.


Version 1.0.50

Released May 31st, 2024

  • Feature Blueprints now support decals.
  • Feature Decals opacity and emission is configurable.
  • Feature Added new fuel pod engineering part.
  • Feature Blueprints now support surface materials (metals, plastic, concrete).
  • Feature Blueprint light brightness and range is now configurable.
  • Feature Added configurable volumetric blueprint lighting.
  • Feature Added stairs blueprint part.
  • Feature Blueprint parts may now be placed in half unit increments.
  • Feature In the designer, light intensity and range is now configurable.
  • Feature In the designer, parts may be painted while the color dialog is open.
  • Enhancement Decreased storage size of blueprints.
  • Enhancement Added /designer console commands for professional builders.
  • Enhancement Improved algorithms for part placement and obstruction conflicts.
  • Fix Fixed layout and collision checks for 2x1, 2x2, and 3x3 windows.
  • Fix Fixed issue which prevented saving blueprints with a single part.
  • Fix Fixed issue which prevented part rotation when a single part is present.
  • Fix Thruster exhaust brightness is decreased.
  • Fix Starship thrusters now conform to unit dimensions.
  • Fix Pressing 'O' to open blueprint part options is restored.
  • Fix Blueprint part position is no longer cut-off for large dimensions.
  • Fix Resolved a bug which caused an assigned part color to revert to its prior color.
  • Fix Resolved a bug which caused object picking to fail in dense scenes.
  • Fix Beboarded NPC colonist internal state now reflects planet location.


Version 1.0.47

Released April 30th, 2024

  • Feature Blueprint instances are now destructive.
  • Feature Blueprint instances now support 100,000+ blocks with minimal rendering overhead.
  • Feature Blueprint instances are now integrated into the physics system.
  • Feature The blueprint designer is now integrated into planet exploration.
  • Feature Galaxies are now seeded with thousands of planets.
  • Feature Added faction flag block type.
  • Feature Added galaxy map block type.
  • Feature Added bed block type.
  • Feature Added cargo hold block type.
  • Feature Added glowing interaction reticle for block, building, and character interaction.
  • Feature Contextual help is shown for gameplay modes (planet, cockpit, construction, galaxy map).
  • Feature An input help screen shows detailed input controls.
  • Feature The character camera may now cycle between different third-person views.
  • Enhancement Blueprint instances are now decomposed using polygonal decomposition algorithm.
  • Enhancement Blueprint instance meshes are incrementally combined for rendering performance.
  • Enhancement Interaction is now assigned to the 'F' key.
  • Enhancement Cycling character views is now assigned to the 'X' key.
  • Enhancement The player's light is now assigned to the 'L' key.
  • Enhancement The navigation screen is now assigned to the 'N' key.
  • Enhancement The inline chat window is assigned to the '~' key.
  • Enhancement Emotes are now assigned to the CTRL + '~' key.
  • Enhancement Transfer resources is now assigned to the CTRL + '~' key.
  • Enhancement Part coloring is now assigned to the 'C' key.
  • Enhancement Added updated block materials and UV texturing.
  • Enhancement Windows are now draggable.
  • Enhancement Added part explosions.
  • Gameplay Starship debris now expire after one hour.
  • Gameplay Factions no longer start at sparse galaxy locations.
  • Fix Improved performance of player emotes and associated animations.
  • Fix Player emotes are now culled if camera is too far away to view.
  • Fix Improved galaxy map picking behavior.
  • Fix Post-processing sun shafts are now resolution independent.
  • Fix Camera distance and zoom behavior for NPC interactions are improved.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused planets to appear at incorrect orbits.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused glass materials to not render.
  • Fix Fixed incorrect quality detection behavior if automatic settings is selected.
  • Fix Blueprint placement now clears terrain features based on structure dimensions.
  • Fix Picking operations now support blueprints contained within blueprints.
  • Fix Resolved rendering glitches caused by shader NaN propagation.
  • Fix Restored blueprint part actions (enable/disable/lock/unlock).
  • Fix Characters no longer move while the chat window is active.
  • Fix Cycling target functionality is now restored.
  • Fix Targeting icons for shuttles and escape pods are restored.
  • Fix Starship callsigns now appear for starships loaded after a server restart.
  • Fix Resolved character animation memory management issues.
  • Fix Planet construction no longer incorrectly warns players of energy grid shortages.
  • Fix Planets no longer briefly show resource shortages when a building is enabled.
  • Fix The blueprint designer import folder button now opens a new folder window as expected.
  • Fix Increased default grass draw distance.
  • Fix Rivers no longer occlude hydrogen crystals.
  • Fix The third person camera no longer clips through ground.
  • Fix Tooltips are now scaled based on screen DPI.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused targeting to not appear after departing a planet.
  • Fix Resolved threading concurrency issues related to hashset usage.
  • Platform Started effort to allow players to host game servers.


Version 1.0.46

Released February 15th, 2024

  • Feature Designer blueprints may now be created planetside.
  • Feature The v2 construction system is now working on planets.
  • Feature Added option for first-person view and exploration on planets.
  • Feature Added option to toggle between first-person and third-person views.
  • Feature Third-person character views now have option to always face forward.
  • Enhancement Added animated cutscene camera placement for NPC interactions.
  • Enhancement Input controls are now separated into a dedicated pop-up.
  • Enhancement Colony management now shows warnings for resource shortages.
  • Enhancement Colony management now shows warnings for full resource storage.
  • Enhancement The Settler mission provides additional steps for starship onboarding.
  • Enhancement Night time on planets now uses spherical harmonic lighting from the evening sky.
  • Enhancement Updated the skills screen to use the new vector user interface.
  • Enhancement Starships now shake while engaged in high speed jump maneuvers.
  • Enhancement Organics, ore, and crystal harvesting impacts now create particle effects.
  • Enhancement Added musical scores for for each static faction.
  • Enhancement Added new musical scores for space combat.
  • Enhancement Housing, food refining, and water extraction is now included in the Settler tutorial.
  • Enhancement Torches are now held in the character's left hand to allow harvesting at night.
  • Gameplay Planet energy allocation now prioritizes extraction over refining if there is insufficient power.
  • Gameplay A building no longer produces or consumes resources if associated storage is full.
  • Fix Minimized frame hitching when sound effect audio loads.
  • Fix Minimized frame hitching when soundtrack audio loads.
  • Fix Horde first officer characters are no longer cropped in pop-up windows.
  • Fix Repulsor engine starship audio has been restored.
  • Fix Starship automated landings no longer crash into the citadel.
  • Fix Aborting an in-process starship jump no longer causes jump point targeting to disappear.
  • Fix NPCs no longer form duplicated memories for certain events.
  • Fix AI players no longer attack neutral human players for violating territory.
  • Fix Jump gates now respect faction open border and alliance settings.
  • Fix Jump gates now allow passage of neutral human players.
  • Fix Resoled an issue which prevented homeworlds from appearing.
  • Fix Starship audio no longer skips during turns executed while jumping.
  • Fix Building construction audio now respects ambient volume settings.


Version 1.0.44

Released January 29th, 2024

  • Feature Added 40 hours of heuristic dialogue audio.
  • Feature The Settler tutorial is guided by the player's first officer.
  • Feature Colonists are now interactive NPCs on colonies.
  • Enhancement Added colony management step to the Settler tutorial mission.
  • Enhancement Implemented server-side control of NPC position and emotes.
  • Enhancement At nighttime, stars are now visible in the night sky.
  • Enhancement Improved readability of scan window text.
  • Enhancement NPCs now show random idle actions.
  • Enhancement Enabled NPC non-verbal vesponses. 'Uh-Huh' is used less often.
  • Enhancement Implemented server-side packet coalescence.
  • Enhancement Number keys 1 through 3 may be used to select and fire starship weapons.
  • Enhancement Upgraded user interfaces with additional vector icons.
  • Enhancement Dialogue audio now fades when dismissed.
  • Enhancement Subtle improvements to enhance UI readability.
  • Enhancement Integrated galaxy map into primary navigation.
  • Enhancement Added 'F' key functionality for resource harvesting on planets.
  • Enhancement Enabled external starship camera view by second click to bridge icon.
  • Enhancement Streamlined space station missions user interface.
  • Gameplay AI players may now create homeworlds.
  • Fix NPCs now forget transient memories when released to the pool.
  • Fix Fixed a bug which caused colonists to die unexpectedly when transferred.
  • Fix Fixed NPC animation issues which caused unnatural movement.
  • Fix Animation corruption no longer occurs if an NPC emotes while the galaxy map is active.
  • Fix Fixed a bug which caused asteroid debris to appear inconsistently.
  • Fix Generative mission creation now limits mission length by word count.
  • Fix Introduced a fix for the master volume slider.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused galaxy shape to not save after a big bang event.
  • Fix Eliminated temporary flash of uninitialized character T-pose state.
  • Fix Falling trees no longer spin unrealistically when knocked over or chopped down.
  • Fix Starship targeting no longer glitched when player begins game in cockpit on planet.
  • Fix Improved NPC travel mechanic to walk or run based on plotted distance.
  • Fix Resolved NPC animation issue caused by simultaneous invocation of emote and run actions.
  • Fix Generative AI speech now pronounces capitalized words correctly.
  • Fix Building construction sound no longer stops prematurely.
  • Fix Mouse cursor position no longer changes after it is hidden.
  • Fix Resolved user interface memory leak.
  • Fix Eliminated bug which could cause tutorial pop-up windows to appear more than once.
  • Fix Resolved issue causing AI crew to become 'stranded' on planets.
  • Fix Disabled stellar course assignment while player is planetside.
  • Fix Left-hand game menu selected state is now updated consistently.
  • Fix Experience and skill point notifications now show vector icon.
  • Fix NPC crew members now start at experience level zero.
  • Fix Faction AIs growth respects growth limitations.
  • Fix Fix to prevent AI friendly fire.
  • Fix Fixed a physics material resource leak.
  • Fix Fixed missing player rank in the character selection screen.
  • Fix Fixed missing player rank in AI salutations.
  • Fix Fixed a tutorial repeating audio issue.
  • Fix Resolved dialogue visibility flickering before long character monolouges.
  • Fix Resolved bug by starship exiting a star system while an automated attack is underway.
  • Fix Fixed Doppler effect processing for AI starships.
  • Fix Disabled galaxy map interaction when a pop-up is visible.
  • Fix Restored space station post-processing effects.
  • Fix Fixed disappearing right-hand UI menu.
  • Fix Corected planet lighting during planetside galaxy map toggling.
  • Fix The space station user interface no longer closes unexpectedly.
  • Fix Voice volume (pre-recorded and GPT) is now configurable.
  • Fix Master volume settings now affect ambient and voice volume.
  • Fix Decreased horizontal width of the assets screen and leaderboard screens.
  • Fix Fixed a bug which assigned excess resources to starship cargo holds.
  • Fix Fixed planet orbit randomizationm bug.
  • Fix Improved clarity of colony management icons on hover.
  • Fix Fixed starship storage issues for food, water, polymer, and cores
  • Platform GPT token usage is now tracked and displayed in admin dashboard.


Version 1.0.39

Released December 31st, 2023

  • Feature Introduced an interactive star map for tactical gameplay.
  • Feature Added optional automated attack option for tactical gameplay..
  • Feature Enabled automated navigation (right-click) for tactical gameplay.
  • Feature Known star systems now show descriptive names.
  • Feature Implemented functional jump gates for each civilization.
  • Enhancement Resource summary icons now directly link to colony mangagement.
  • Enhancement Player and faction news feature SVG icons.
  • Enhancement Building complete notifications now show SVG icons.
  • Enhancement Starpedia entries updated with SVG icons.
  • Enhancement Introduced a cursor confinement option for windowed mode.
  • Enhancement Upgraded building material visuals with 67 new parts.
  • Enhancement Optimized loading of large asteroid fields.
  • Enhancement Destroyed planets now release asteroids into the star system.
  • Enhancement Refined orbital path placement for planets.
  • Enhancement Revamped mission screen layout.
  • Enhancement Added icons for interstellar market and recurring trades.
  • Enhancement Combat logs now display starship callsigns.
  • Enhancement Starship autopilot breaking maneuvers are now graduated.
  • Enhancement Enhanced visuals in ockpit, external, and map views.
  • Game Balance Increased AI starship jump cooldown to slow interstellar pursuits.
  • Game Balance AI players enter star systems based on origin and destination.
  • Game Balance Default fuel capacity for all starships increased by 100%.
  • Game Balance Biomass generator consumption rate decreased from 3 to 2 organics per tick.
  • Game Balance Human players now enter star systems near waypoint destinations.
  • Game Balance AI factions adjust growth and aggression based on their size.
  • Game Balance AI factions' fleet size now scales wiht the number of homeworlds.
  • Fix Fixed a bug where targeting ignored disabled settings.
  • Fix Eliminated flickering in star system particle effects during major space battles.
  • Fix Addressed emotion assignment issue in certain GPT NPCs.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which disabled NPC heuristic speech playback.
  • Fix Fixed a bug that disabled background blur effects.
  • Fix Expanded NPC dialog options to avoid scrolling.
  • Fix Starship follow commands no longer stop following when target reached.
  • Fix Fixed bug which prevented automated sale of cores on interstellar market.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused incorrect supply and demand at stardocks.
  • Fix Particle debris no longer shown while player is docked at space stations.
  • Fix Doppler audio calculations no longer broken by superluminal travel.


Version 1.0.35

Released November 30th, 2023

  • Feature Added animated flags for all static factions.
  • Feature Added colonist morale, which determines overall planet productivity.
  • Feature Added entertainment building to create ammenities.
  • Feature Added first officer selection during player creation.
  • Feature Added habitat building for growing a colony's population.
  • Feature Added interstellar market building for buying and selling resources.
  • Feature Added medical complex building for improving colonist's health.
  • Feature Added new buildings colony management screen which shows buildings sorted by function.
  • Feature Added new colonist metrics for growth: food, shelter, health, and housing.
  • Feature Added new colony management system and user interface.
  • Feature Added new commodities: food, water, polymers, cores.
  • Feature Added planet habitability metric for population growth.
  • Feature Added planet revenue, expenses, and net metrics for tracking planet profitability.
  • Feature Added production status tooltips for buildings.
  • Feature Added terraformer building for improving a planet's habitability.
  • Feature Added water pump for water extraction.
  • Feature NPC memories are now stored and retrieved from the cloud on-demand.
  • Feature NPC speech is now generated in advance of companion selection.
  • Enhancement Added additional colony construction icons.
  • Enhancement Added capability to disable generative AI text and audio for publishing to Steam.
  • Enhancement Added improved vector-based graphics for space station user interfaces.
  • Enhancement Added letterboxing effect during NPC interactions.
  • Enhancement Added new colony construction icons.
  • Enhancement Added performance improvements to the Corsair lighting integration.
  • Enhancement Administrative dashboard now shows real-time AI interactions.
  • Enhancement Ambient sound volume decreases while NPCs are talking.
  • Enhancement Camera motion blur effects are now disabled by default.
  • Enhancement Character creation now shows starting class illustrations.
  • Enhancement Holding the left mouse button now continues harvesting actions (chopping, breaking).
  • Enhancement Single-left clicking in exploration mode now shows the cursor.
  • Enhancement The inline chat window now scrolls to most recent text when reopened.
  • Enhancement Tutorial pop-ups now intelligently wait before reappearing.
  • Game Balance Ore extraction rate increased from 2 to 3 organics per tick.
  • Game Balance Organics extraction rate increased from 2 to 3 organics per tick.
  • Fix Decreased friction of harvested ore and crystals, which may roll down surfaces.
  • Fix Designer camera controls now allows simultaneous forward and lateral movement.
  • Fix Displaying the FPS counter via the console no longer displays an error.
  • Fix Eliminated framerate hitching caused by synchronous loading of audio tracks.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused blueprints to open in read-only mode.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused blueprints to save only 65535 parts per unique material.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused incorrect lighting after undocking from a space station.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused player chop animations to advance a player forward.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which caused UI blur to appear differently than intended.
  • Fix Previously created blueprints may now be resaved.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused tooltips to appear at an incorrect resolution.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which could cause targets to appear incorrectly.
  • Fix Resolved issue which could cause audio to pop during screen transitions.
  • Fix Resolved issue which could cause the ship to spin after planet take-off.
  • Fix Scanning NPCs now shows a waist-up profile of the scanned NPC.
  • Fix Switching from building placement to planet exploration no longer prevents tree harvesting.
  • Platform Continued development and support for Xbox platform.


Version 1.0.31

Released October 17th, 2023

  • Enhancement Ambient sound volume is now adjustable.
  • Enhancement Added new soundtracks for planet and space environments.
  • Enhancement Added NPC speech audio processing.
  • Fix Resolved issue which could cause the tutorial to appear while engaged in NPC conversation.
  • Fix Repaired physics settings for planetside game objects (trees, drones).
  • Platform Continued development and support for Xbox platform.


Version 1.0.28

Released September 29th, 2023

  • Feature Added an inline chat window which combines chatting with emotes.
  • Feature Added an ownership UI to show which faction or player territory ownership.
  • Feature Added blueprint sharing options (everyone, faction, party, contest)
  • Feature Added sixty-seven voxel shapes for blueprint creation.
  • Feature Enabled voxelization import to streamline creation of blueprints from existing 3d models.
  • Feature Introduced a user interface for easy selection of player emotes.
  • Feature Introduced blueprint designer for crafting unique starships, stations, and buildings.
  • Enhancement Added improved vector-based graphics for clothing and weapons.
  • Enhancement Added improved vector-based graphics for inventory assets.
  • Enhancement Added improved vector-based graphics for weapons and stellar targeting.
  • Enhancement Added starship medium and large thrusters.
  • Enhancement Gamepad input may now be disabled from the settings screen.
  • Enhancement Improved NPC speech to text quality.
  • Enhancement Increased range of NPC voices.
  • Enhancement Jump beacons show destination details, including system name and star configuration.
  • EnhancementEliminated heap memory allocations in client and server network code.
  • EnhancementImproved navigation waypoints with improved user interace.
  • Fix Aborting the Settler mission no longer blocks offworld progression.
  • Fix Addressed an issue which prevented AI defender strategies from working as expected.
  • Fix Addressed memory leaks in NPC animation workflows.
  • Fix Addressed memory leaks in voice over workflows.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which could prevent starship callsigns from appearing.
  • Fix Resolved a bug which could cause the cursor to not appear on the main title screen.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused NPCs to fall through ground.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which could cause phantom gamepad input on systems with virtualization enabled.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which negatively impacted realtime shadow quality.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which prevented NPC responses from appearing.
  • Fix Resolved issue which could prevent starship callsigns from appearing.
  • Fix Saving an unnamed blueprint no longer results in a save-as operation.
  • Fix Users are no longer prompted to save a blueprint if the blueprint is unchanged.


Version 1.0.22

Released July 11th, 2023

  • Feature Targeting now shows whether the currently selected weapon is within range.
  • Enhancement Added new and improved vector-based graphics for in-game actions.
  • Enhancement Added server command for listing AI pathfinding state.
  • Enhancement Added visually improved targeting system.
  • Enhancement AI players no longer multicast threats directed to other AI players.
  • Enhancement Combat status messages are now sent only to direct combatants.
  • Enhancement Dialog options for AI opponents engaged in combat improved.
  • Enhancement Harvesting progress bars now show the resource harvested.
  • Enhancement Improved formatting of server-side scripting output.
  • Enhancement Improved rigid body interpolation for smoother camera movement.
  • Enhancement Organized server commands by target (i.e. ship, planet, star system.
  • Enhancement The planet resources summary now shows a warning if there is insufficient power.
  • Game Balance Frequency of damage caused by star proximity decreased.
  • Fix AI players no longer receive mission rewards intended for human players.
  • Fix AI players will no longer attack or hail players engaged in the tutorial.
  • Fix Armor and shield repair sound effects restored.
  • Fix Chat console is now cleared when a player logs out.
  • Fix Improved keyboard and mouse targeting behavior during combat.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which blocked asteroid mining.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which caused AI players to disembark from starships.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which could cause an AI to attack itself.
  • Fix Resolved in issue which caused weapon hit behavior to not reflect game server state.
  • Fix Resolved issue which caused keyboard UI navigation to fail.
  • Fix Targets which are occluded by planets or stars are no longer displayed.
  • Fix The cursor is now shown or hidden based on connected peripherals.
  • Fix The player's backback no longer shows planetary resources.


Version 1.0.19

Released June 21st, 2023

  • Feature The improvement of user interface aesthetics continues.
  • Feature News is now shown in the faction screen.
  • Feature Faction banners now appear on the character selection screen (WIP).
  • Feature Player level and title now appears on the character selection screen.
  • Enhancement Continued user interface enhancements.
  • Enhancement Tutorial missions may now be cancelled.
  • Enhancement Resources may now be transferred via cargo and backpack screens.
  • Enhancement Added additional tooltips throughout user interface.
  • Enhancement The cockpit camera field of view (vertical FOV) is now configurable.
  • Enhancement The player camera field of view (vertical FOV) is now configurable.
  • Enhancement Starship target selection may now be cycled using the keyboard (F/G Key)
  • Enhancement Starship target selection may now be cancelled using the keyboard (Hold B Key)
  • Fix AI pathfinding no longer blocks an AI from subsequent planet landings.
  • Fix Random AIs no longer attack players during an active tutorial.
  • Fix Notifications no longer block pop-up user interface interactions.
  • Fix Scan operations are now visible to the mission scripting system.
  • Fix Screenshot capture functionality has been restored.
  • Fix Starship landing sequence now disables prior follow instructions.
  • Fix Starship weapon fire now reflect server-side hit/miss mechanics.
  • Fix Resolved a scenario in which planetside terrain deformation is not reset.


Version 1.0.15

Released May 30th, 2023

  • Feature Added new user interface for login, character creation, and tutorials.
  • Feature Exploration and territorial expansion missions are now available at stardocks.
  • Feature Active missions are now shown in the missions screen. This is a work in progress.
  • Feature Added just in time voice generation for GPT NPCs.
  • Feature Added ability to configure planet access rights.
  • Fix Station UI and menus update accordingly after a repair, recharge, or refuel action.
  • Fix Removed allocations in Corsair integration logic.
  • Fix Removed allocations in color sampling logic.
  • Fix Removed an issue which could cause a subsequent login to fail after exiting a play session.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which could cause the licensing screen to reappear after license acceptance.


Version 1.0.13

Released Apr 25th, 2023

  • Feature Added additional command interpreter features.
  • Feature Added generative AI NPCs
  • Feature Added generative AI News Editor
  • Game Balance Decreased the amount of oil required to produce equipment by 1/2.
  • Game Balance Hydrogen crystal to processed hydrogen crystal ratio changed to 80:1.
  • Fix Screen resolution settings are now persisted properly when Unity misreports refresh rate.
  • Fix Improved gamepad user interface actions when item popups appear.
  • Fix Environmental damage for a player's starship is no longer multicast to other players.
  • Fix Repairing a starship at a station no longer triggers a security warning.
  • Fix Network telemetry update frequency has changed to once per second.
  • Fix The cursor is no longer improperly hidden on title screen.
  • Fix Horde players that are controlled by humans may now hail other species.
  • Fix Starship orientation no longer affects the orientation of a disembarked player.
  • Fix Starship autopilot waypoint navigation is now reset upon completion of a jump.
  • Fix Fixed two broken settler mission tutorial voice overs.
  • Fix On gamepads, the default harvesting button is now right trigger.
  • Fix Fixed an issue relating to foot placement and animation baking.
  • Fix Hats no longer cast incorrect shadows on players.
  • Fix Building placement no longer fails if a gamepad is connected.
  • Fix Characters no longer jump when building is placed.
  • Fix Planetside character camera clipping plane adjusted to show distant mountains.


Version 1.0.9

Released Feb 27, 2023

  • Feature Added custom Corsair iCUE lighting integration.
  • Feature Added first pass of star system ownership user interface.
  • Feature Added interaction with AI players (request, demands, story).
  • Feature Added jump beacons for jump navigation guidance.
  • Feature Characters may now emote actions using /emote.
  • Feature Game sound tracks are now adaptive and respond to in-game action.
  • Feature Homeworld planets now show an industrialized city background scene.
  • Feature Improved AI ship navigation (attack, retreat, avoidance).
  • Feature Introduced new stellar, planet, and action soundtracks.
  • Feature PvP ship combat has been added.
  • Feature PvP ship to building combat has been added.
  • Enhancement Added a targeting indicator for planetside players.
  • Enhancement Added environment selection (developer, preview, release) in settings.
  • Enhancement Added game setting and hotkey (F5) to toggle display of the UI.
  • Enhancement Added Human settler introduction voice over.
  • Enhancement Added sound effects for canopy open/close and door open/close.
  • Enhancement All new players now receive a torch in their inventory.
  • Enhancement Improved controls for thrust and automatic engine engagement.
  • Enhancement Introduced numerous improvements to starship HUD.
  • Enhancement Jump beacon targeting is now obscured by stars and planets.
  • Game Balance Increased equipment drops in Settler mission.
  • Game Balance Planetary citadel targeting reticles are now visible regardless of visible obstruction.
  • Fix Addressed many issues affecting player synchronziation and network performance.
  • Fix Addressed many issues relating to planetside combat.
  • Fix AI players will not open a hailing channel with players engaged in a system jump.
  • Fix AI players will not target distant starships at the fringes of a star system.
  • Fix Colonists are no longer included in random cargo drops.
  • Fix Entering orbit from a planet no longer disables targeting if a citadel is not built.
  • Fix External players are now visible from a starship's cockpit.
  • Fix Fixed an issue affecting starship jump calculations and fuel management.
  • Fix Fixed an issue involving debris and loot drops colliders.
  • Fix Fixed an issue relating to starship map orientation.
  • Fix Floors and building foundations no longer float when placed by a separate networked player.
  • Fix Global kills leaderboard has been restored.
  • Fix Increased the range of stellar salvage operations.
  • Fix It is no longer possible to land on homeworlds.
  • Fix It is no longer possible to place overlapping buildings.
  • Fix Mining a planet that is unowned by a player causes resources to go to starship open cargo holds.
  • Fix Networked players no longer jump or crouch in a loop.
  • Fix Players no longer fall through ground when disembarking from a landed starship.
  • Fix Resolved a bug relating to player hair customization.
  • Fix Resolved a bug which caused resource asset prices to list below market value.
  • Fix Resolved an issue which could cause allies to attack a friendly player.
  • Fix Resolved an issue with certain planet names having a hidden end-of-line character.
  • Fix Resolved networking issue when equiping tools and clothing.
  • Fix Restored functionality of two emotes, cough and relief.
  • Fix Scan and salvage distance calculations are now accurate for moving planetary objects.
  • Fix Stellar debris is dropped as starships are damaged.
  • Fix The Settler mission no longer fails if the Horde starship is destroyed.
  • Fix Unlocked doors now open for networked players.
  • Fix Waypoint distance is now shown when plotting a route using nearby services.
  • Fix When display is set to windowed mode window position and size is remembered.


Version 1.0.5

  • Feature Added planetside turrets now fire upon enemy invaders.
  • Feature Added ships, stations, and buildings now show armor and shield levels.
  • Enhancement Improved quality of user-interface anti-aliasing.
  • Enhancement Network communication now prioritizes TCP/IP socket connections over HTTP.
  • Enhancement Improved visual quality of icon rendering
  • Game Balance Decreased armor of planetary citadels.
  • Fix Targeting user interface now scales with display resolution.


Version 1.0.3

  • Feature Added new temperate planet environment.
  • Feature Added campfire construction for nighttime lighting before base construction begins.
  • Feature Added light construction parts.
  • Feature Added door construction parts.
  • Feature Added window construction parts.
  • Feature Added ramp construction parts.
  • Feature Added wedge construction parts.
  • Feature Added stairs construction part.
  • Feature Added door lock and unlock capability for planetary governors.
  • Feature Added reinforced version of construction parts with added hit points.
  • Feature Added color picker to allow light colors to be changed.
  • Feature Added shield building for automated planet defensive capability.
  • Feature Added turret building for automated planet offensive capability.
  • Feature Added starships can now vertically land or take-off on command.
  • Fix The planet construction UI is now right-aligned with wide-screen resolutions.
  • Fix Showing the settings screen (F1) from explore mode now shows a cursor.
  • Fix Construction placement now detects and avoids collisions with neighboring parts.
  • Fix Characters sit properly in rotated chairs.
  • Game Balance Horde starships now randomly attack player bases while player is logged in.


Version 1.0.2

  • Feature Added rank (levels) for character experience increases. Each rank has unique insignia.
  • Feature Added 70 trainable character skills. Characters gain skill points for each rank gained.
  • Feature Added initial support for props, including soccer balls and chairs.
  • Feature Added character clothing options. Initial items include hats, eye patch, scarfs, pouches, and backpack.
  • Feature Added pick axe and associated animation for ore and crystal mining.
  • Feature Added ship communicator to allow characters to recall distant starships.
  • Feature Added resource drops for clothing, props, weapons, and basic technology.
  • Feature Added artifact resource drops for experience, skill points, and rare technology.
  • Feature Added highly important ability to sit in chair.
  • Feature Added playable character, the Synthetic. Synths are loyal to the AI Core.
  • Feature Added non-playable character, the Horde. He will hurt you.
  • Feature Added additional world physics. e.g. soccer balls roll down hills and may be picked up.
  • Feature Added Starships may now affect the environment, including the ability to known down trees.
  • Feature Added initial in-game achievements for successful mission completion.
  • Enhancement Enemy starships now enter planetary atmospheres from a random heading.
  • Enhancement The planet status screen now shows icons for underpowered or disabled buildings.
  • Enhancement Cursor color changes when hovering above interactive 2D and 3D objects.
  • Enhancement Buildings now burn when severely damaged.
  • Enhancement Planetside wreckage now shows a targeting (radar) icon.
  • Enhancement User interface scaling may now be changed during gameplay.
  • Enhancement Gamepad support has been improved across many screens.
  • Game Balance Settlers no longer receive experience for planet creation during tutorial.
  • Game Balance Settlers receive a lumber axe, pick axe, and starship communicator.
  • Game Balance Starship attack damage randomizes based on equipped weapons.
  • Game Balance Some enemy combatants use hit and fade tacticts while others fight to the death.
  • Game Balance Commodity production scales as additional refineries are added.
  • Fix Drone flight pathing and performance improved.
  • Fix Reloading a planetside environment no longer causes light probe corruption.
  • Fix The Settler Mission no longer spawns pirates with unavailable weapons.
  • Fix Character interaction, including harvesting, is significantly improved.
  • Fix Avatar eyes no longer disappear when distance to camera is small.
  • Fix Improved handling of input when 3D world and 2D user interfaces receive simultaneous input.
  • Fix User interfaces with embedded render targets (profile, ship, shipyard, and tutorial) now render simultaneously.
  • Fix Gamepad input may now advance inventory selection beyond disabled items.
  • Fix Settler Mission now acknowledges early construction of buildings.
  • Fix Settler Mission colonist starship can no longer crash outside the playable area.
  • Fix Reflections shown at night no longer severely impact rendering performance.
  • Fix Constructing a building at close range no longer clips characters through terrain.


Version 1.0.0

  • Feature Initial release.